Friday, 20 April 2018

Staying Safe, Staying Cool - The Value of Shade Protection

Swimming pools, parks, beaches: people of all ages enjoy fun in the sun during the summer months. While spending time outdoors can be enjoyable and gratifying, research also suggests that it can be dangerous to one's health. Too much time outdoors can lead to too much sun exposure, which can lead to a variety of health issues.

Because of these growing health concerns, the need for sun protection is paramount. While individuals can take precautions by wearing sunscreen and using other appropriate protective measures, public places can also help by providing various shade structures in order to help combat the potentially detrimental impact of the sun's piercing rays.

While this may not seem like an overly important investment at first glance, there are many advantages to providing shade systems in public areas. As mentioned, the first primary goal is to allow the public a way to enjoy the outdoors while still staying safe. During the peak daylight hours, the sun rays can be the most harmful, which is unfortunately also the time when most people are out during the day. With the very real prevalence of skin cancer, shade structures can help reduce the negative consequences of over exposure to the sunlight.

More than that, shade structures can prevent other injuries as well, especially when it comes to playground shade. During the heat of summer, sunlight can make exposed playground equipment dangerously hot at times, occasionally resulting in discomfort or even injury for young users who are not expecting it. Providing playground shade will help reduce this type of injury while also keeping children and adults from being over exposed to sunlight themselves.

Fortunately, there are many ways to provide this protection to the public, through a variety of shade structures and other shade systems. While these products come in a range or styles and prices, it is usually wise to invest in permanent shading products when seeking to provide quality playground shade and park shade on public grounds. The reason for this is that a permanent structure, while it may cost more upfront, will last longer and require less long term maintenance than temporary or lesser quality solutions for sun protection.

For more information regarding shade structure or shade sail, please visit

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